Thunder in the Hill Country 2025 Rally Schedule
Welcome to Thunder in the Hill Country! We’ve worked hard to ensure each and every one of our bike rally guests have a fun, safe, and memorable good time! Be sure you follow the rally schedule, below, so you don’t miss our many on-site and off-site events. Have fun, and as always…. RIDE SAFE!
Please be sure to stop at some of our 75+ vendors! Stop by our Sponsor’s booths – without them, the rally would not be possible! Ride or walk around and visit the various camp sites and get to know your neighbors! Also, check out the Texas Bike Week PRE-PARTIES happening before the rally.

Want more details on the events listed in our rally schedule? Check out our EVENTS PAGE!
Got the schedule down? Ready to dive in and make the most of attending the rally, like a straight up pro? Hell yeah you are! We’ve got some great rally camping tips for YOU, YOUR CAMPSITE, your GOLF CART, or even your BIKE! Be a part of the rally by creating an engaging atmosphere. Invite your neighbors to hang out and make new friends! Read MORE…
Not Registered yet? Get tickets now! All pre-registered guests get a FREE EVENT T-SHIRT! If you miss pre-reg you can still get tickets, you’ll just miss out on the free shirt!